Coorong Life


A saltwater swim after a short Kayak in The Coorong is an enchanting experience that allows you to immerse yourself in the beauty of nature. The serene saltwater lagoon provides a sense of tranquility, while the sight of pelicans soaring overhead adds a touch of elegance and awe. By exploring this ecological haven with reverence and appreciation, we can forge a deeper connection with the environment and ourselves.

Derived from an Aboriginal word ‘karangk’ meaning narrow neck, the Coorong is one of the most breath-taking national parks in Australia. 

The Coorong is a long, shallow, brackish to hypersaline lagoon more than 100 kilometres long. It is separated from the ocean by a narrow sand dune peninsula.




Type of spot Beach, Saltwater Lagoon
Whats it called?
Needles Island Beach, The Coorong
Where is it? Coorong, South Australia
Map Link,139.353329&q=Lakes Ward — Coorong&spn=0.006558,0.007961&t=m 
Type of access
Via private property (Coorong.Life) or via water and kayak The Coorong National Park 
Walking distance?
Short walk from KipPods onsite to water and short kayak to Needles island 
Supplies? Shops 17km away in Meningie SA BYO and take all rubbish 
Costs to swim?
Recommended for Everyone



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